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Making the Most out of your Postpartum Season

Each mother’s experience post-birth is unique.  Some relish the hazy days of early postpartum while others struggle through it like swimming against the tide.  It’s a season like no other.  Time seems to stand still, and yet your newborn is growing out of clothes at the speed of light, proving that time is indeed marching on.  

For some, the almost forced period of “rest”, recovery and focusing solely on the needs of yourself and the baby feel like a gift, an opportunity, to become immune to the normal tasks and details that so easily steal our attention.  The postpartum fog can feel like a veil that gently covers all the things in life that don’t seem to matter so much in light of getting to know this new person who has entered your family and your heart.  

As the fog settles in, it wipes away the urgency of the to-do lists, the schedules, the daily rhythm we have come to know and expect.  And if we choose to embrace it, we might just see that this very intense, vulnerable time is exactly what we need.  In our fast-paced culture, we need the reminder that it’s not only okay, but important, and even essential, to slow down, slow waaaaay down, and get to know the tiny human who has completely turned our world upside down.  

Tips for Embracing the gift of Postpartum 

Prioritize Physical Rest 

  • Benefits for mom & baby: 

    • Less risk of postpartum health complications and a faster/smoother recovery from childbirth. 

    • More energy to take care of baby’s around the clock needs.

    • Less likely to return to the hospital for postpartum complications, potentially leaving the baby at home with another caregiver.

Accept Help from Others

  • Benefits for mom & baby: 

    • The potential for eating more nutritious meals.

    • Saving your energy for caring for the baby and recovering from childbirth.

    • More time at the breast means a more regulated baby and lowers the risk of weight gain issues.

    • Less missed hunger and sleep cues means a less fussy baby.

Prioritize being with your Baby 

  • Benefits for mom & baby: 

    • Less missed hunger and sleep cues.

    • More time with baby at the breast (great for your milk supply and great for shrinking your uterus).

    • More skin to skin time with baby.

    • More time to focus on learning your baby’s needs & preferences.

    • Slowing down and telling your baby what to expect respects the infant and helps him/her learn to understand language and prepare to participate in care routines. 

The benefits of embracing the slow pace of the postpartum period meet the needs of both mamas and babies alike.  Not everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the slow-paced nature of the postpartum season that every mother and baby deserve, so give yourself grace and do what you can to take care of yourself so you can be your best self for you and your baby.  

As a society we need to strive for better support for all mothers and babies during this sacred time.  Mamas deserve the opportunity to rest and recover both physically and mentally from the work of childbirth, and babies deserve the best start to life, and that starts with a relaxed and slow introduction to the world. 

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