Shopping for gifts can be difficult.
This gift guide is meant to help you consider some options that are developmentally appropriate for infants and toddlers while keeping your budget and priorities in mind.
*Note: See below for specific gift examples by age/stage.
Tips for Shopping for Babies & Toddlers
Are there any practical needs that must be met?
Gifts don’t always need to equal toys. Gifting a box of diapers to a 9 month old will not offend or disappoint and if you feel the need to include something more “fun”, a new teether or ball will be just the ticket and won’t inundate the home with too many toys “just because”.
Consider your budget.
Sometimes the best gifts for babies can be found for very little money. Just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it’s the best choice.
What is the child’s home like?
If Baby lives in a small home or apartment the quantity of “stuff” needs to be considered so the home doesn’t become cluttered and overwhelming for the family. Think about gifts that meet practical needs (ex: diapers), are consumable (ex: baby wash) or can be used for several years (ex: blocks).
What is the baby interested in?
Observe to see what stage of play the baby is in to help narrow down gift choices. There are many toys that can be used for long spans of time and be used by various ages of little ones so you won’t have to constantly buy a whole new set of toys every time your baby has a birthday.
What stage will Baby be moving into in the upcoming months?
Not all gifts for babies need to be utilized immediately. It can be a great idea to consider what the baby might need or be ready for in the coming months and can be tucked away until that time.
Is the toy easy to clean and safe?
Babies and young toddlers explore and learn about objects by putting them in their mouths. If the item you are purchasing is very small, has sharp pieces or is difficult to clean, reconsider this as an option.
As Magda Gerber once said, “Simple toys make active babies”, and that’s exactly what we want. Some of the suggestions below may seem odd or boring to an adult, especially when there are so many flashy toys on store shelves, but the goal is to give something the child will actually use and benefit from, so embrace the odd; the only person’s opinion that matters is the baby’s.

Gift Ideas for Babies
Up until about 3 months of age, babies don’t need objects to play with as they are totally focused on getting acquainted with their caregivers, their environment and their bodies. When purchasing toys for newborns, think about what they will be ready for a few months from now.
Play Items:
Safe place to play and move their bodies freely
Sheepskin rug or small bassinet-size basket for newborns
Enclosed playpen for older babies
Objects to shake, easy to grasp items, objects to chew on, roll or tap
O-Ball, wiffle ball, rubber ball- various textures and sizes
Small toy car
Blocks and a little basket
Simple small baby doll
Rubber or plastic toy animals
Simple teether that baby can grasp and let go of at will
Small stuffed animals with no small parts
Easy to clean Books
Ex: board, cloth, plastic or Indestructables are great choices for babies (it’s ok that they WILL put them in their mouths. This is the first step in learning about books & reading).
Practical Items:
Side-snapping onesies are great for young babies and make the getting dressed experience more comfortable and gentle for Baby.
Fleece booties
Bonnet or hat
Diapering Supplies
Diapers, wipes, disposable diaper baggies for on the go changes, diaper cream.
Bathing or Hygiene Supplies
Baby wash, lotion, bath towel, washcloths, bath toys, toothbrush
Feeding Supplies (for when baby starts to eat solids)
Small clear plastic cup, small stainless-steel spoons, plates, bowls, bibs
Extra crib sheets or waterproof mattress pads.
Gift Ideas for Toddlers
Toddlers love: recreating their daily life in their play, imitating their caregivers, experimenting, figuring out how things work, collecting, creating, and discovering.
Play items with the above characteristics in mind include:
Dolls and simple accessories to act out caregiving routines
Play dishes and utensils
Toy broom, mop, shovel or rake
Doctor kit
Cash register
Simple blocks- wood, foam, plastic
Items that connect and can be taken apart- Duplos, MegaBloks, simple train set, waffle blocks
Baskets and cloth bags or pouches to fill and carry toys (this is a common toddler interest/phase)
Items to push, pull or ride on- small wagon, small cart or stroller, simple riding toy, rocking horse
Small rocking chair
Cars and trucks
Balls of various sizes and textures
Toy animal and doll figures
Stuffed animals or finger puppets
Small doll house or barn
Sand Pail and shovels
Climbing toys
Large beads to string
Simple puzzles
Simple shape sorter
Books- board books are still appropriate with paperbacks being introduced to older toddlers as well
Crayons and paper
Non-toxic paint and paint shirt
Paint dobbers
Small scissors and glue
Collage materials
Practical Items:
Shampoo/body wash
Clothes, socks, tights, shoes, hats, mittens
Cute band aids
Favorite snack
New bath toys
Small pillow and bedding
Hair clips
Water bottle
Snack cup
Small plate, bib, spoon for diaper bag
Child-size umbrella, rain boots, rain coat
While a small potty chair might seem like the perfect gift for a budding toddler, presenting it in such a big way might put too much pressure on the toddler to transition from diapers to using the toilet. For tips on toilet learning click here.
Friendly reminder: Just because someone is selling it doesn’t mean your child needs it. Ex: a playdough table may look enticing but the reality is your child can play with playdough on any hard surface in your home and a specific table just for playdough will probably add clutter to the home and be dismissed quickly. Instead, consider a small sturdy child-size table and chair that can be used for any sort of play and even meal-time.
Always remember, for very young children, gift giving is more for the adults than the baby, so wrapping up something you already have is absolutely acceptable. Infants don’t know it’s not new and toddlers just like the joy of opening something, even if it is a toy you’ve had in storage for a time so it feels new again when they receive it.
Feel free to send us an email at for links to, or examples of, specific product recommendations.
