Planning for what you will need/want when your baby arrives can feel exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. This guide is meant to help you relax and prioritize what will be most helpful for you and most developmentally appropriate for your little one at various stages.
It can be helpful to ask yourself some questions about specific activities and/or rooms of the house to guide you in making decisions about what will be most beneficial when baby arrives.
What will your baby’s sleeping arrangements look like right away and overtime? You might need/want the following:
Cradle or bassinet, mattress, sheets
Crib, mattress, waterproof mattress pads, sheets
Baby monitor
Where will you store your baby’s clothes? What might you need/want in terms of clothing storage and organization?
Infant clothes- shirts, pants, onesies, socks, booties, sweaters…
Drawer dividers
Infant hangers
Laundry basket
Storage bags or bins
What is your plan for infant feeding? Both in terms of breastfeeding and formula as well as once the baby starts solids? Not every family needs/wants all of the following items, this is just to get you thinking.
Comfortable chair
Nursing bras and nursing-friendly clothing
Colostrum collectors
Nursing cover
Nursing pads
Nipple cream or pure oil to sooth sore nipples
Hydrogel pads
Manual hand pump
Milk storage containers
Breastpump (check with your insurance before purchasing), pump bag with cooler for storing milk on the go
Bottles (to support an easier time going between breast and bottle, select a bottle nipple with a slow flow and a nipple that gradually slopes to promote a wide latch)
Bottle drying rack
Bottle warmer
Formula (If you’re not planning to breastfeed, talk to your doctor for formula recommendations)
Burp cloths
Baby-size spoons & forks
Small plates & cups
Bibs (small for younger babies and large for toddlers)
Highchair, booster seat, small child-size table and chairs (for older babies who can sit up)
What will you need/want for bathing your baby?
Small bathtub
Soft washcloths
Baby wash
Simple, easy to wash bath toys
Bath toy storage
Anti-slip bath mat
Baby lotion
What will you need for health and safety?
Nail care kit
Brush and comb set
Infant medicine (Tylenol, Ibuprofen… only use with the direction of your child’s doctor)
Nasal aspirator
Child safety locks
Baby gates
What will you need/want for diaper changes?
Changing table
Easy to clean changing mat
Diaper pail
Diaper cream
Hand sanitizer (if sink is not close by)
What will you need/want for outings? Car rides? Overnights away from home?
Seat cover/protector for under baby’s carseat
Window shades
Baby car mirror
Diaper bag
Diaper changing mat for travel
Portable crib, sheets
Baby sling
Outdoor clothing- hats/bonnets, mittens, snowsuit, fleece booties, swimsuit…
Sunscreen, bug spray
Infant sunglasses
What will you need/want for your baby’s play area? Think about where your baby will lay. Newborns feel secure in a smaller area that feels cozy and secure and yet allows for room to move around in the way they choose. As your baby grows, you can slowly make their play space larger to accommodate their ever-changing developmental needs. Need help creating a play space your baby or toddler can thrive in? Contact Beholding Baby today for a personalized consultation!
Moses basket (great first play space for newborns)
Sheepskin Rug (great second play space for young babies- bonus: it can travel with you so your baby always has a familiar surface to lie on)
Playpen or large baby fence (to create a safe play space)
Toys (See Gift Guide for Infants & Toddlers for ideas on developmentally appropriate toys for babies)
Toy storage shelf, baskets
Check out our Favorite Products for Parents with Babies post for a list of recommended baby items.
